Surakarta Kota Budaya

Selamat Datang Di Kota Budaya Surakarta Mari kita Kembangkan dan Lestarikan Budaya Daerah Surakarta

Aneka Budaya Solo

Solo is a major city in central Java, Indonesia. Solo is the short name for Surakarta. It is situated at about 100 kilometers to the South of Semarang and some 60 kilometers east of Yogyakarta. Solo is today a bustling commercial center. It is in close proximity to the temples of Prambanan. The town is the center of art and education, and also offers some good shopping and has a number of tourist facilities. The city of Solo is also well known for its charming and soft spoken people.

Taman Budaya Surakarta is a government funded centre for the performing arts and culturally significant events. This center has been hosting numerous significant cultural events. Performances ranging from traditional to modern Indonesian types are staged here. The Taman Budaya Surakarta has been even hosting international performances. There is no charge for hiring this place but sometimes a relatively small fee is charged.

The cultural center of Taman Budaya Surakarta is located on Jl. DR. Sutami 57. The famous Wayang Kulit performance happens once in every thirty five days. This is a performance that is not only vastly popular in Indonesia but also has international acclaim. In the various cultural events hosted by the Taman Budaya Surakarta there is a gathering of the who's who of the cultural world. The place is illuminated by the presence of many cultural pundits. The get together of so many stalwarts under a single roof gives Taman Budaya Surakarta a great significance in the world of culture.

Among the eminent cultural pundits that could be contacted at the Taman Budaya Surakarta are the Sardono W. Kusumo, a famous dance teacher, Murtidjono the head of Taman Budaya Surakarta, Pak Ngaliman and Ibu Djoko. Among the locals from Solo some of the experts are Princess G.R.Ay. Koes Murtiyah (Gusti Mung), B.R.M. Bambang Irawan and from Mangkunagaran Palace are Pak Suripto, Ibu Sutarwo.